Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I hope I can add this to my to-do list tomorrow....

I need to keep this in mind these days!  Things are so crazy that I don't have time to even think!  For the past two weeks I've been jumping from one thing to the next and not taking the time to stop, breathe, and try to plan in a more thoughtful manner to help make my life easier.  I have a ton on my plate and feeling like nothing is really getting done...or getting done well!  Tomorrow is another day...and another trip, another all day meeting out of the office on Thursday and another two days to get behind yet again.  Inhale, Exhale, Repeat...I need to keep that in mind.  Inhale, Exhale, Repeat....the weekend is coming soon!

Smile:  What have I smiled about lately?

I spent several hours on Saturday with my brother and his family, which brought such a great smile to my face.  I love my nieces very much and enjoyed reconnecting with them once again.  How could you not smile at this sweet girl...gotta love the outfit!  She's got her own sense of style!....And she knows and loves Bon Jovi...good girl!

Celebrate:  What have I celebrated lately?

I'd like this to be me...maybe someday!
I woke up early on Saturday and thought that it was a good idea for me to go ahead and bite the bullet and join Weight Watchers.  They've changed the program up which now takes into consideration carbs and protein, so I think it's a better lifestyle changing program that fits with my own philosophy.  Of course since I've joined, I've eaten out every day and haven't worked out too much.  I'd like to think that I'm making better choices, but eating out takes its toll on eating healthy, especially at some of the awesome places I've eaten over the last few days.  I did manage to get in a brief workout tonight, so hopefully worked off a little of the bad that I did to myself over the past couple of days!  It's such a battle that I have with my weight and as much as I wish I could embrace my curves, cellulite and saddlebags..I just can't, so it will continue to be a battle that I will fight and hopefully win this year!  I have to do something--I'm testing the strength of thread in my pants and my budget doesn't have to replace my entire wardrobe so I can go up a size!  This has to work...as Jennifer Hudson says..it's a new day!  Maybe tomorrow will be better!

Love:  What do I love?

Well, a slightly new development has happened on the dating front....my cousin's wife sent me an email saying she knew of a single guy that she'd like to set me up with.  After trying to figure out how they could scheme to get us to meet, it was finally decided that we'd just go on a blind date just the two of us.  I chose a brunch place, called Breadwinners and we met at the busiest time of day!  I found him to be cute, very interesting, easy to talk to and really put together!  He emailed me later that afternoon asking for a second date, so hopefully we can get together this weekend to learn a little more about each other.  We'll see how it goes...

I also love that my first love, Troy Aikman (which has been recently replaced with Jon Bon Jovi--well sorta, now that Troy is newly single, I think he'll have a place back on top again!) has finally gotten himself a Facebook account...so now I can have a way of stalking him..this will come in handy as my "boys" only have a few more months of touring and following them will become much more limited.  When one door closes another one opens....Welcome to facebook my love, Troy!

Note to self:  Get a life!

Thought for the day:  If you wait to receive love you could wait a long time. Instead decide to give it & it will flow rapidly & abundantly into your life.

Now...off to pack for yet again, another business trip!  I better get Platinum Status this year!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Today I had to venture back to work after being off for one week and not even thinking about my job and all that I have to do for a whole 7 days!  It was truly wonderful to get away and not be concerned with what was going on in the office.  I have a great staff that takes care of things for me and I'm so happy they can keep things in control without needing me around all the time!  So nice to have them on my team.

Smile:  what did I smile about today?
I was told by two people that they liked my new haircut..guess my hairdresser didn't "gouge" me, as my mother said!  One person even asked if I had lost weight while I was out!  If I look thinner then I'll keep it this way all they time!

Celebrate:  What do I celebrate?
I got through all 300 emails today and actually have a pretty good plan of action for the rest of the week.  I thought it would take me a while to get back in the swing of things, but it all quickly came back to me!  I guess that's a good thing.  We have so much to do, but have a good plan of action and hope that we can get it all done!

Love:  What do I love?
Speaker Phones!  I love being able to take a meeting hands free to allow me to surf the net, take notes and rest my neck!  Speaker phones!  Great invention!

On a side note...the online dating thing is pretty much dead.  I have had NO luck on eharmony, so am canceling that service when my contract is up with them in April.  The Bryan guy ended up being a dud.  He didn't pass the test when I told him I had the flu and he didn't even offer a "get well soon" message...AND... he's a NURSE!  So, now back to square one.  I need to find a hobby that is in a "target rich environment"!  Wish I had some talents!

So, today, one person said AGAIN that I look like Hillary Clinton!  I don't see it at all and actually take offense to this since she is so much older than me!  In the past 6 months 3 people have told me that and I just am so offended!  My hair has been different shades and lengths and still somehow the one person they see me as is HILLARY CLINTON!  Nothing against her...I think she's doing a great job as Secretary of State, and probably would have made an ok President...but I don't think I look like her!  You be the judge!  Perhaps it's her bad eyes...if that's the case I'm seeking out a plastic surgeon... soon!

Thought for the day:  It takes much more courage, strength of character, and inner conviction to forgive than it does to hang on to low-energy feelings.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

NY Times Review....

So one week ago I was in the Big Apple with my wonderful Mom and fantastic Sister.  I almost screwed up our flight when I checked in and accidentally said that we were traveling with minors in the exit row.  Luckily, we were able to get seats on a very full flight but had to be all split up on the plane.  At least we all got there on time!  
Upon landing in NYC, we went to the hotel and tried to check in, but couldn't because the room wasn't quite ready, so we checked our luggage and went to find some lunch.  A GREAT Pizza place named John's Pizza near Times Square.  Hit the spot and we thoroughly loved the wonderful Italian Sausage.  After checking into hotel, we decided to venture out and see some sites.  We walked along Broadway, and down near Rockefeller Center...got a cupcake at Magnolia Bakery and enjoyed the sites during a less busy time (Sunday).

Our hotel...great location 48th and 8th Ave!  

Time's Square in action!

David Letterman


Rockefeller Center

Just had a little soup and sandwich for dinner because we had gotten tickets to Billy Elliott that night and since we had eaten a late lunch, we just needed a little snack.  Made it to the theater and watched the 2009 Tony Award Winning show.  It was wonderful!  The children in the show were amazing, the set was phenomenal, and the dancing was excellent!  It was a true Broadway show and we could see why it had won some awards!  The kids  talents were simply breathtaking! It was an incredible show!  

On Monday, we made our way via subway to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.  It was quite cold near that water, so we were very happy to have had reservations so we didn't have to wait in line too long!  Near the boat is a statue that stood in front of the World Trade Center and reflects that although we've been a little beaten, we still have hope and optimism in this country and in our resilience against terror.  It was quite moving to see this and know all that it went through on that dreadful day almost 10 years ago!  We took and audio tour at both the Statue and Ellis Island...so wonderful to hear about our history and makes you feel so patriotic and proud to be an American!  
Statue that once stood at World Trade Center
My sweet family!

Sweet Land of LIberty!
The place that makes the world go 'round...literally
A tribute to the fireman and policemen that lost their lives that fateful day!

 After we finished down at Battery Park, we made our way up to the Stock Exchange and Ground Zero.  I can't imagine what people went through on 9/11 as we walked through the streets and took the subway, I can only imagine how scary and sad that event was.  So horrific!  They are in the process of building a memorial but there still is quite an erie feeling when on that sacred ground in which so many lost their lives in such a senseless situation!
We spent some time in the financial district then made our way to Soho and Greenwich Village.  Didn't venture to much of these areas, but at least got to show Tracy the different "looks" of NYC.

The actual stage used for New Year's Eve
For the film New Year's Eve...wow, this year went by quickly!

We then made our way back to Times Square to take a nap and figure out what we were doing for dinner that night.  Upon arriving back uptown, we found that they were filming a movie called "New Year's Eve," which explained why they had a stage set up in the area and the place where the Ball is dropped with 2012 posted.  Some other tourists told us that there were some trailers along the side streets near Rockefeller Center, so Tracy and I dropped of Mom at the hotel and decided to venture out and see what we could see...and that's when we found out some good scoop!  Once we confirmed the name of the movie, we searched our Iphone for information and found a list of stars and their stage names.  This movie has a great ensemble cast, so the odd of seeing some famous people were quite good! We first saw Hillary Swank filming...
Hillary Swank on set of "New Years Eve"

Tony the Trailer Driver...and scoop giver!
Then we walked along the street and saw several trailers and then happened upon Tony...the man with all the information of the night!  He tried to hop into one of my pics and then told us that he was driving one of the trailers, but wasn't driving anyone "big".  He then said that Mayor Bloomberg was around here (in the trailer marked..."mayor") and Ryan Secrest was coming in to film the ball drop scene.  He then said that JON BON JOVI (!) was supposed to be on set that night and was going to PLAY IN TIMES SQUARE(!) for a scene in the movie!.  Well, you can imagine that I was hyperventilating at that information!  He didn't know where his trailer was, but thought it was close by. So, after getting all the information we could out of Tony, we decided that we needed to go get Mom and fill her in on the information.  As we walked down the street, past Ryan Secrest's trailer, we saw....
Jon Bon Jovi's Trailer.....*sigh*
Once I saw the name, I knew it was HRH Jon Bon Jovi's  trailer because it had his screen name posted on IMDB.  I was weak in the knees at the sight of this and couldn't believe that I knew this secret and no other fan knew it yet!  As we were taking a picture of this door, and as I was trying to compose myself, someone walked up and knocked on the door...I hyperventilated again and held my breath that he could answer the door...but alas, he didn't--it was some assistant that did.  bummer.  It also just so happened that the restaurant that we were eating at was RIGHT next to the trailer, so we went to go get Mom and head off to eat, in anticipation that we could quietly stalk and eat...conquering two birds with one stone.  I practically ran all the way back to the hotel (about 2 blocks away) and couldn't contain my excitement that I knew this wonderful secret!

We went to Pasta Lovers on 49th street, got a table closest to the door and commenced the stalking adventure.  When we came out we saw a few people standing outside his door holding up pics for him to sign and this man...who looks like Robin Williams but had a "boom box" around his neck. I'm thinking he was going to play "living on a prayer" when he opened the door.  Poor Jon!  I can't imagine having to put up with all these freaks (personal company certainly excluded!!!)

Not Robin Williams (I don't think), but fan going to play
Livin' on a Prayer upon seeing HRH JBJ

Pasta Lovers, our restaurant and the infamous trailer!

Mom and I on the set of New Year's Eve
After dinner, we walked back to Time's Square to see what we could see!  Got a great spot across from the stage and proceeded to see Ryan Secrest ring in the "New Year".  We waited in great anticipation to see Jon, but the cold and the long day got the best of us, so we missed him.  I'm going to claim that I took these pics of him, cause if we had stayed out there long enough, I'm sure that I would have taken these exact shots....
HRH and Ryan
Love that Smile!

This man is 49 years old! WOW!
So Cute!

On Tuesday, we ventured to the Today Show and tried to get stand by tickets to Jimmy Fallon.  We knew they were filming "30 Rock" that day cause we saw signs stating "no parking" outside Rockefeller Center.  As we were milling around, we ran into Ted Danson, and Kenny Rogers and then Tracy almost literally ran into Tina Fey and Jane Karkouski!  We then took the NBC tour and while we didn't get on Jimmy Fallon that night, we had a lovely time seeing all the stars and watching the filming of the show in action!  I've been to NYC several times, but never saw as much filming or as many stars as we were able to do in this trip!  Was so fun!

Meredith Viera

on the set of "30 Rock"
In between celebrity sightings, we walked along 5th Ave, saw St. Patrick's Cathedral, Trump Tower, Tiffany, FAO, and Central Park.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
Luckily we didn't hear "your fired" from the Donald today!

Oh...the infamous Tiffany's!  

That night we got tickets to see Memphis and I have to say hands down, this was one of the best musicals I've ever seen!  It won the 2010 Tony Awards and I can see how it did!  I've never seen a show on Broadway with the original cast before, so this was a treat!  We all loved the show...singing and dancing was incredible!  Was a great treat!  A must see for anyone!

Lea Michelle and Bradley Cooper
I hear he's now single...once again missed opportunity!
After the show, we ventured out again to Times Square where we saw them actually filming the ball drop scene and the confetti drop.  It was amazing and I have to say I can cross that off my bucket list of being in Time's Square for New Year's Eve!  Crowds of people and all...got to experience it all (minus the kiss at the stoke of midnight...perhaps being there will still have to be on my bucket list after all!)  We also saw Aston Kutcher, Lea Michelle and Bradley Cooper!~  I can't wait to see this movie!

Happy New Year!!!  

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Confetti..wonder how long it will take them to clean up? 

On Wednesday, we ventured to Grand Central Station, the NY Public Library, Brooklyn Bridge and Chinatown.  Was a great way to end the trip before having to head out to the airport and fly away from this great city!  Was a wonderful trip!  So very thankful that I was able to finally have this experience with my mom and sister.  Don't know that we will be able to do that too much longer, so was a great memory!  I'm thankful that we were all healthy and able to walk all the miles we did and that we were able to enjoy this trip together...just a mom and her daughters!  Was a very special time that I will cherish for a long time!  I have a wonderful family and I'm so grateful that we are so close and so supportive of one another!  I'm a very lucky girl!

We got home on Wednesday night, enjoyed a nice evening in my own bed then got up the next day to drive to San Antonio for the Bon Jovi concert!  Had a great time, even though the show was a little shorter than normal and they sang all the normal things.  We had great seats behind the Mayor of San Antonio and I sang and danced my heart out!  Was a great way to spend St. Patrick's Day!  Boys were on fire (literally, was quite hot in the AT&T Center)!  Crowd was ok...have seen better, but all in all, was a great night!  Enjoy the pics!

And i love Bon Jovi

Opening Scene

Started with Lost Highway


David Bryan--writer of Memphis

The Dynamic Duo

I'm pretty sure he's looking right at me in this pic

He's gotta be proud of himself...28 years and counting

End of "working man" song...powerful

wonder what they are saying to each other here

I'm sure this moment made someone's day!

I didn't mean to take this picture, but, since I have it...
May as well enjoy the view!  What a great shot!

Bye Boys...see you in Milwaukee!
yes, I'm going for one last trip before they end touring!
So, all in all, it was a great week!  Can't say it's been drama free, but as the song goes "every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end"....good things will happen for those that are feeling a little sad and scared now...I know strength and peace will prevail soon!


Now...I've got to get back to work!