Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I have great people in my life

Today was a bittersweet day.  My boss made the announcement to my team that I was leaving to seek other opportunities and while I'm so excited about this change that is so needed and is something that God has given me, it's also a sad time to say good bye to my team and the people that I have had the opportunity to work with for the last three years.  It wasn't the stress free day that I would have liked to have had, and I have to say I was pretty surprised at how emotional I became today, but all in all I'm happy that the news is finally able to be out there and finally I'm able to start looking toward my new future and all the doors that I'm going to be able to walk through on this new journey.  I think it was a chance to give me the opportunity to reflect on all that I've accomplished over the last three years, the people who have made an imprint on my life (and who I hope I have made an imprint on theirs) and the changes that I have made as a person that has helped me to grow, and develop.  I'm a better person for meeting the people that I've worked with over the last three years. I'm honored to work with them and honored to be their manager.  I wish them only the best for their future!  I know they will have their challenges and as much as I would like to shield them from the struggles, I can only hope that they will be able to rise above and continue succeeding like they have for the last few years.

Smile:  What have I smiled about lately?
I smile (through some tears) that I have an opportunity to do something different with my life and am so excited about what the next chapter will bring.  While one is closing...another adventure awaits and I'm very thrilled as to what that is going to bring me!

Celebrate:  What do I celebrate?
I celebrate the fact that I've gotten through a very stressful year.  Only 25 more days to end this year and I can't say that I'm sad to see it go.  While it's been a good year in many ways and as I look back over this blog, I can see all the things that I've smiled, celebrated and loved (big and small), I'm happy to see the stress go away.  I think my heart and muscles will be happy to see it go too so I can get a little healthier again!

Love:  What do I love?
I love Christmas lights on my street.  I love coming home to a street all lit up with all sorts of colors.  Makes all the cares go away just pulling onto my street!

Thought for the day:

Very True!  Simple message:  Be Kind.

Friday, December 2, 2011

"Thank you" Two simple words that can make someone's day!

So much to be thankful for!  We just finished the Thanksgiving holidays and it's that time of year that I think about all my blessings and what I'm truly thankful for.  Thought I'd take some time to reflect upon this in this post.

What am I thankful for?

My Christianity:  God has been appearing in my life more and more lately and I'm so grateful for the big things and small things that he's brought me.  I'm thankful that I have someone to go to in order to help with those amazing challenges I have and also to help me through the day to day little challenges that life brings.  I"m very grateful that God is around me every day and so very happy that I have such a great relationship with Him!

My family:  I was able to spend with week with my amazing sister, several days with my brother, sister-in-law and nieces, and time with my mom and step dad.  While we have our little differences, I'm still appreciative of those differences and grateful that I'm their daughter, sister, and aunt to these precious people.  I know that I've allowed my job and all the challenges that has brought this year to take precedent over my family and friends and as a result, I do feel like I've become a little more distant to them.  I haven't kept up with them as much as I should and as a result, I feel a little guilty that I'm not as involved and appreciative as I should be.  I think that we all take our sweet mother for granted, and sometimes don't think we show our appreciation for her enough.  Mom, I love you and greatly appreciate you for all you do.  I want to learn from you and continue carrying out all the things that make you so wonderfully you!  I'm very blessed to have you in my life!

My friends:  I'm so thankful for my sweet friends. Five years ago this week I joined my company and decided that Bonnie would be my friend.  I'm so thankful that she agreed.  It's been a fun five years and I can only hope that we continue to enjoy many adventures...both here and away (and I hope that Bon Jovi makes another album so we can travel all over the US again!)  Love ya Bon!

My new job:  Before Thanksgiving I was offered a new position within the company.  I'm hopeful that I will be able to start after the first of the year...but the jury is still out on the exact date.  I have to trust that the right thing will happen and that God will help get me through this stressful time of trying to stay engaged in work and leave on good terms by giving them everything they need to carry on.

So many things to be grateful for...so blessed.  In the stressful moments of my day, I need to do a better job at remembering these simple things.

Thought for the day:  God gave you 86,400 seconds today...did you use one to say "thank you."?