Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I have great people in my life

Today was a bittersweet day.  My boss made the announcement to my team that I was leaving to seek other opportunities and while I'm so excited about this change that is so needed and is something that God has given me, it's also a sad time to say good bye to my team and the people that I have had the opportunity to work with for the last three years.  It wasn't the stress free day that I would have liked to have had, and I have to say I was pretty surprised at how emotional I became today, but all in all I'm happy that the news is finally able to be out there and finally I'm able to start looking toward my new future and all the doors that I'm going to be able to walk through on this new journey.  I think it was a chance to give me the opportunity to reflect on all that I've accomplished over the last three years, the people who have made an imprint on my life (and who I hope I have made an imprint on theirs) and the changes that I have made as a person that has helped me to grow, and develop.  I'm a better person for meeting the people that I've worked with over the last three years. I'm honored to work with them and honored to be their manager.  I wish them only the best for their future!  I know they will have their challenges and as much as I would like to shield them from the struggles, I can only hope that they will be able to rise above and continue succeeding like they have for the last few years.

Smile:  What have I smiled about lately?
I smile (through some tears) that I have an opportunity to do something different with my life and am so excited about what the next chapter will bring.  While one is closing...another adventure awaits and I'm very thrilled as to what that is going to bring me!

Celebrate:  What do I celebrate?
I celebrate the fact that I've gotten through a very stressful year.  Only 25 more days to end this year and I can't say that I'm sad to see it go.  While it's been a good year in many ways and as I look back over this blog, I can see all the things that I've smiled, celebrated and loved (big and small), I'm happy to see the stress go away.  I think my heart and muscles will be happy to see it go too so I can get a little healthier again!

Love:  What do I love?
I love Christmas lights on my street.  I love coming home to a street all lit up with all sorts of colors.  Makes all the cares go away just pulling onto my street!

Thought for the day:

Very True!  Simple message:  Be Kind.

Friday, December 2, 2011

"Thank you" Two simple words that can make someone's day!

So much to be thankful for!  We just finished the Thanksgiving holidays and it's that time of year that I think about all my blessings and what I'm truly thankful for.  Thought I'd take some time to reflect upon this in this post.

What am I thankful for?

My Christianity:  God has been appearing in my life more and more lately and I'm so grateful for the big things and small things that he's brought me.  I'm thankful that I have someone to go to in order to help with those amazing challenges I have and also to help me through the day to day little challenges that life brings.  I"m very grateful that God is around me every day and so very happy that I have such a great relationship with Him!

My family:  I was able to spend with week with my amazing sister, several days with my brother, sister-in-law and nieces, and time with my mom and step dad.  While we have our little differences, I'm still appreciative of those differences and grateful that I'm their daughter, sister, and aunt to these precious people.  I know that I've allowed my job and all the challenges that has brought this year to take precedent over my family and friends and as a result, I do feel like I've become a little more distant to them.  I haven't kept up with them as much as I should and as a result, I feel a little guilty that I'm not as involved and appreciative as I should be.  I think that we all take our sweet mother for granted, and sometimes don't think we show our appreciation for her enough.  Mom, I love you and greatly appreciate you for all you do.  I want to learn from you and continue carrying out all the things that make you so wonderfully you!  I'm very blessed to have you in my life!

My friends:  I'm so thankful for my sweet friends. Five years ago this week I joined my company and decided that Bonnie would be my friend.  I'm so thankful that she agreed.  It's been a fun five years and I can only hope that we continue to enjoy many adventures...both here and away (and I hope that Bon Jovi makes another album so we can travel all over the US again!)  Love ya Bon!

My new job:  Before Thanksgiving I was offered a new position within the company.  I'm hopeful that I will be able to start after the first of the year...but the jury is still out on the exact date.  I have to trust that the right thing will happen and that God will help get me through this stressful time of trying to stay engaged in work and leave on good terms by giving them everything they need to carry on.

So many things to be grateful for...so blessed.  In the stressful moments of my day, I need to do a better job at remembering these simple things.

Thought for the day:  God gave you 86,400 seconds today...did you use one to say "thank you."?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

God is Great.  Prayers are answered.   Life is good.
 I am blessed.  

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Don't worry ....be happy

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.--Matthew 6:34

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds...Philippians 4:9

Thursday, November 10, 2011

You have arrived...

This week, I was in a rental car that had GPS Navigation.  We used it to find a mall and upon arrival, the sweet lady said "You have arrived."  I chucked quietly to myself thinking about what a great message that was to hear.  "YOU HAVE ARRIVED."  We search and search though life only to hear those three words only to find that all that searching is really for naught...it's right in front of you all along, you just need the GPS lady to tell you.  I think I needed to hear that at that moment.  I've been feeling a bit like I'm chasing my tail and wondering what my purpose in life is.  Hearing those three words, kinda made me snap out of my head and give myself a chance to think about all that I've achieved, all the success that I've earned and reflect on the person I've become.  I have arrived.  Sometimes messages come to us in various ways...on Tuesday night, my message of affirmation and reminder came from the Hertz GPS lady telling me I was at the mall.

Smile:  What have I smiled about lately?
Last night I had a lovely evening with a co-worker who took me to a Mexican Restaurant in Laurel, MD, which I have to say, was quite good.  Flavors were good...would venture to say that I had a hard time reminding myself that I was not in Texas any more!  Dinner talk consisted of discussion on how we can find our passion for life, Pinterest finds, and of course...work. She shared with me a creative concept of 3 words..look for and write down three words that speak to you...like "Smile, Celebrate, Love" or "You have arrived" and how you can use these words to help start a journal, a picture, a poem, etc.  Cool concept....love the idea and will start opening my eyes to all the messages that come my way.

Celebrate:  What do I celebrate?
I celebrate the Veterans!  I honor and respect them and the courage they had to keep this wonderful country I live in safe and secure.  I appreciate those that gave their life so that we could be safe and free.  I can't imagine doing something so selfless to serve this country and all it's causes.  I'm quite humbled that there are people who would truly give their lives for us.  So, while I do have the day off tomorrow in celebration, I am taking a few moments to reflect on the reason for the holiday and say thank you to all that have given so much for all us!

Love:  What do I love?
I love massages!  I traveled home tonight and made an appointment to get a massage shortly after I got home.  The poor therapist didn't know what she was getting into when she got me this evening.  I've had a knot in my shoulder for about a month that won't go away, so while I wasn't expecting her to work miracles in one quick hour, I was looking for some amount of relief.  She did a great job and I feel so much better now--at least until I check my blackberry and see what work I have to do.  Ugh...

Thought for the day:

Excellence in one area is the beginning of excellence in another area.  Starting today, strive for excellence in all that you do—Robin Sharma

Monday, November 7, 2011

Work...that four letter word that we can't avoid

Work. A four letter word that can bring about happiness and stress all at once.  I find much satisfaction in my job, and am looking forward to the possibility of new beginnings.  I'm truly hoping that I can find greater fulfillment in a new position soon.  Fingers are crossed that this all will work out so I can love what I do and not settle for anything less than that!

Smile:  What did I smile about?
I have friends who take care of me and that makes me smile from ear to ear!  After having a dinner party the other night, I mentioned a story in which I was convinced someone had come into my home and left random bubble wrap in my bathroom sink.  Not remembering that I had previewed some training DVDs that morning that had bubble wrap around them, I was absolutely convinced that someone had been in my house...and perhaps was still in my house.  I told my friends this embarrassing story and so my lovely friends took pity on my and two of them bought me things that will allow me to have some type of light on when coming home to a dark house.  I appreciate that they are taking care of me!  Glad to know that I have good friends who care so much!

Celebrate:  What have I celebrated lately?
It's coming up on year end appraisals and as I consider all that me and my team have accomplished this year, I celebrate the successes we've had.  May not have gotten lots of kudos or extra attention, but I know that I've done small things with great work.  I'm proud of what we've done and while may not have a lot of appreciation, I know that I've made a difference in my area.

Love:  What do I love?
I love that the weather is getting crisper and we can wear sweaters and fun coats.  I like this type of cool, and am dreading the freezing temps that we will get in February.  I'll worry about that another time, but for now will enjoy the nice breeze, the nice cool mornings and wearing light jackets over cute sweaters!  Yea Fall!
Not so happy about the darkness that comes so early these days (we just had the end of daylight savings), but love the nice weather and changing leaves.

Thought for the day:  Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." —Mahatma Gandhi

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also...Matt 6:21

Today in church, the sermon was about how riches can take the place of our relationship with God and giving generously to others.  Money is our "idol" and takes the place of using our good judgement and clouds our thinking which doesn't allow us to fully devote ourselves to letting God provide for us wholly and completely.  This verse was mentioned a few weeks ago and spoke volumes to me then.  I asked myself, "what is my treasure?"  "What am I idolizing and not giving my life fully over to God?"  While it's not money completely...yes, I appreciate all that I have and what I'm able to do with my earnings, I think I've put my treasure in my work.  I've given my heart ( and soul) for my job and while I am successful, in my opinion, I've given up a lot for it...babies, love, health, friends...and I've finally realized that I have to do things differently...i've got to have a different treasure to store in my heart.  So, I'm turning over a new leaf...I'm looking for a different job, getting healthy, and trying to take time for me and more importantly start working on my relationship with God and making sure that I'm following all his instructions for living the life that is glorious and reflective of how I should be living as a Christian.  I'm kicking around the idea of looking into adoption and perhaps even getting a pet.  Yes, success and doing a good job at work are still important, but they can't rule my life like they have in the past.  I have to start doing things differently so I can get different results...and must start living more Godly, so that there is no question where my heart is...and where my treasure is.  I'm happy to say that today is the first day of the rest of my life...thank you God for this beautiful opportunity to turn over a new leaf!

Smile:  What have I smiled about lately?
Out of the blue today my sweet 5 yr. old niece called me just to talk to "Auntie."  I love that she thinks of me and bugs her daddy enough to make him dial the phone to call me.  That means a lot  that I'm part of their lives...it's a big role to play and one that I don't take lightly.  I'm happy to be their for them and hope I can be a good example and influence to them as they grow.

Celebrate:  What have I celebrated these days?

Well, would like to say that I celebrate the Texas Rangers winning the World Series, but alas, it wasn't meant to be.  Some great games played during this series...yes, I did watch several games for the first time-- I think-- in my life!  Can't say I'm nothing more than a fair weather fan, but was fun to take part in all the water cooler talk over the last couple weeks!
Dear TX Rangers:  Thanks for being such good examples of teamwork and professionalism on and off the field.  You made it a pleasure to watch and stand behind you because of your fine sportsmanship.  Brush off these losses and go get 'em next year!

Love:  What do I love?
I love a few of the new TV shows that came out this fall that have made it into the rotation.  Some that I love the most are:
Lots of deception and intrigue...takes place in Hamptons
Perhaps I am hoping that they have a glimpse of JBJ on vacation

Story of Snow White- my favorite princess

Cute story...little town sorta like Gilmore Girls...good show

Thought for the day:  "Remember this, that very little is needed to make a happy life." — Marcus Aurelius

Have a great week!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It's my life! It's now or never...

My wonderful BFF gave me this framed poster for my birthday and I love it!  Every day I've read it as I walk out the door and there is something new each day that I see that speaks to me.  Yesterday it was, If you don't like your job, quit.  Hmm...may be words to live by....  Today it was when you eat appreciate every last bite.  Hmm...that sounds great, especially when these days I'm eating lots of fruits and vegetables and would rather have cupcakes and ice cream.   I love this Holstee Manifesto document and truly think that it will be some wonderful words to live by.

Smile:  What have I smiled about lately?

As I mentioned in my last post, I took last week off to rest, relax and recharge.  It was a great week filled with spa treatments and catching up on all my TV shows!  Wow--travel for a few days and get in the weeds big time!  One of the adventures I took this week was to go to the Dallas Arboretum, something I had only done once when Bonnie and I got our Bon Jovi fix watching the faux Bon Jovi group perform in the concert in the park.  It was a beautiful afternoon, warm, but not too warm, and the park wasn't too crowded since I went on a week day.  I loved watching all the kids climb on the pumpkins and all the moms trying to get the perfect shot for a card or memory album.  I thought I'd get in the action and tried to take a picture of myself...this is what being single looks like when you're trying to capture the moment--it cracked me up and I had to share it with you:

I love being single, except when I'm trying to
capture the memory! Don't you love my bag?
I finally resorted to the picture below that I quickly took before someone rounded the corner so they wouldn't feel too sorry for me not having any friends to come with me on this adventure.

check out the pearls.....
I'm quite the sophisticated lady huh?

Celebrate:  What have I celebrated lately?

This last weekend I had the opportunity to spend time with my sweet niece, who turned 9 years old.  I watched her cheer at her game and then got to spend several hours helping with her sleep over.  She has a lovely group of friends that were so sweet and kind.  I'm so glad that she is hanging around some nice girls.  Nine years ago when she was born, I prayed that she would be a strong, confident, nice, sweet, kind girl.  That she would be smart and goal oriented and think that she can take on the world.  I wanted her to be all that I wasn't and hope that life treats her kind.  Well, I can say that she's got a lot going for her.  She's a good girl, who is smart and wants to do the right thing.  I hope that she continues to face life head on and not hide from things.  She's got a good head on her shoulders and I'm proud to call her my niece.  Happy Birthday Sweet Hart!  Auntie loves you!

Love:  What do I love?

I love the new  Oprah Lifeclass show.  Each night it's Oprah pulling out some of the lessons from her shows over the past 25 years.  You may learn how to age gracefully, how to keep your ego in check, how to find passion in life, how to live your best life.  Once again, she's teaching me new things as I continue my journey in life.  I'm so happy to get my Oprah fix each day again!  I've missed her greatly!  Check it out...weeknight at 8 EST/7CST only on OWN!

Thought for the day:  Be the yardstick of quality.  People aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected--Steve Jobs

And another thought...my theme song for this evening:

enjoy your life!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Home Sweet Home--Staycation in October

Today was day one of my stay cation and it was awesome!  I got a two hour massage, went to Hobby Lobby, found a new gift store and made a wreath for my front door. Oh..and I worked out and stayed on  my diet!  I am so looking forward to this week and am just going to take advantage of what there is to do in Dallas, try to see if I can find some deals on Groupon and Living Social, see a few movies and do a little shopping.  I want to plant some flowers and read a book.  I have quite the ambitious list this week...the main one being just completely relax and get renewed to face the rest of the year!  It's been quite challenging and very stressful lately at work, and I'm in much need of just getting away and forgetting what I do for a living for a few days.  I hope the week goes slow.

Smile:  What did I smile about today?
The wreath I made and hung on my front door.  I think it looks pretty professional, if I do say so myself.

Celebrate:  What do I celebrate?
I've done really well on my diet.  I'm making better decisions and working out more.  I feel better and have more energy to do some things.  So far, so good..I've lost about 6 pounds so far...24 more to go!  UGH!

Love:  What do I love?
I love that I have a job that will allow me to be away from it for one solid week and pay me like I was there!  I'm very blessed!

Thought for the day:

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

iSad...RIP Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs
Today an icon passed away.  Steve Jobs, the creator of all Apple products died at the age of 56.  He was truly an innovator and one that changed all our lives in one way or another.  Whether it was the way you listened to music, talked on the phone, or checked your email, he played a part in advancing our world to try new things, push the mark and never settle for the status quo.  I certainly don't know him or what type of person he was, but I do know that he is leaving a legacy behind and one that will be hard to match any time in the future.

This commercial represents him and I would imagine how he approached each day--Think Different!

Thought for the day:  "Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me.  Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful...that's what matters to me."  Steve Jobs 1993

Hope all of you out there can do the same...Think differently, step outside the box, Live extraordinary!


Monday, September 19, 2011

It's finally here

NEW TV!  I love this week--trying to figure out if I'm going to stick with a show; coordinating where to record new shows so the old stand bys don't get missed; and giving the thumbs up/thumbs down on some of the new concepts.  Yes, this is the best week!  I'm glad I'm in town to juggle between the shows!  Happy Fall everyone!

Smile:  What have I smiled about lately?
Me, my co-workers and manager
at First USA opening Sept '98
Lots of  good memories about this day!
This was a good time in life!
I was recently going through some old pictures and came across some from my time at First USA in Austin.  There were some great memories at that company and was great to relive a few of those through pictures.  I was quiet young, naive and so full of hope.  Have had a chance to reunite with some through Facebook or Linked-in and have been really excited to see them all again and catch up on life.  They knew me when...and it's nice to be able to say the same about them!

Celebrate:  What do I celebrate?
I celebrate that I've finally taken charge of this weight thing that I have going on and am making a change.  A few weeks ago I took advantage of an offer on Living Social to join a weight loss center.  I'm taking control back and doing something about this fat! I hope that THIS time I'm successful!  I will be successful!  I will be successful!  I will be successful!  By January--if all goes well, I'll be in those pants that I haven't been able to wear in 3 years!  Yep..I'll be in those and looking and feelin' fine!

Love:  What do I love?
I love that we've had rain the last couple of days...good soaking rain that we needed desperately!  So happy to finally get a break in the heat and finally get some much needed precipitation!

Thought for the day:

Something to think about for sure!  Enjoy your week!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

We will never forget--10 years after our lives changed forever

The time that changed our lives as we knew
it forever.  This was the time that the first plane struck
first World Trade Center

It all began as a beautiful, Tuesday in New York and across the country.  School was starting for some kids and everyone was going through their lives as they always did, worry-free from anything terrible happening in our country!  At 8:46 AM (EST)--our lives changed--forever.   For this was the moment that American Airlines Flight 11 struck World Trade Center 1 (the north tower).  At first when news reports came out, we all thought it was some small plane that got off course.  It wasn't until about 20 minutes later that United Flight 175 struck the second World Trade Center Building at 9:03 AM (EST).  We knew then, that this was a terrorist act and that our world, as we knew it, had changed.  In the quick moments that followed, at 9:33 AM (EST) another plane, American Flight 77 struck the Pentagon, killing 184 in the building and on the plane.  A fourth plane,  United Flight 93, was thought to be meant to strike either the White House or Capital Building, however, it landed in an open field in Pennsylvania at 10:03 AM (EST),  due the brave men and women on board that had gotten wind of problems happening across the country and tried to overtake the terrorists and change direction of the plane and forced it's landing in that open field.  Shortly after the twin towers were struck, they imploded and both came down, changing the landscape of the New York Skyline.  As a result, 2, 753 people were killed that day in New York City, many of which were first responders (Fireman and Policeman) who were just doing their job to help save people.  They were seen going into the building and heading up the stairs to help put the fire out on the floors high above and many were caught in the building when the towers fell. All in all,   2,977 people were killed --senselessly killed--innocent lives lost.

God Bless America
After the dust settled, in the debris, a flag was found and some fireman raised it in this iconic picture that resembles the Iwo Jima picture from World War II.  It gave America hope that we would pull through this and we would rebuild and we will be ok--in spite of this senseless act that was put upon us.  In the days and weeks that followed, America came together like never before.  We were a united nation.  Didn't matter if you were Republican or Democrat, we were all one and the main thing that we worked toward was fighting against this ever happening to us again.  Churches increased attendance, patriotism reached an all time high, people stopped and looked at their lives in a different way to ensure that they were living like it was their last.  People helped their neighbors and were determined to never forget this awful, hellish day that we experienced on
9-11-2001.  We were--UNDIVIDED then--too bad we've forgotten this over the past 10 years!

In the rubble--GOD showed up
and gave us Peace and Hope

Where was I that day?  I remember hearing about the plane hitting the first tower while I was on my way to work.  I was listening to JB and Sandy, my morning show of choice at the time, and heard this news.  Like many, I thought it was a small commuter plane that got off course.  I got to my desk, logged into my computer and got a phone call from a friend, who told me to get to the nearest TV...our world was falling apart.  Now, this friend is a bit dramatic, so I took it that he was just over reacting to something until, my co-worker, who was on a conference call heard people gasp and panic.  His mom called, scared and reaching out to her son, which forced us to immediately make our way to the break room to see what was happening.  I was working at First USA at the time and we were just buying time until that Friday, when we were closing our office and all of us were about to begin our severance due to our offices being closed.  The remainder of the day was spent in front of a TV, watching the news unfold, unbelieving what was happening, calling our families, scared for our future. We tried to make sense of what happened right before our eyes, on television and all the while knew that our world changed at 8:46 AM EST.

So, now, here we are 10 years later.Our lives changed forever--travel is not easy any longer, discrimination has existed with muslims and that carefree sense about us doesn't exist and never will again.  If it happened once, it could happen again and we are always on alert that whether big or small, we are never completely untouchable.
This day is still difficult for all of us to face. The TV shows have run documentary after documentary reminding us all of the events, "as they happened" that day.  And while I now know the outcome, it still doesn't mean I don't wish that we didn't have this happen to our naive lives.  Today, America isn't as united as it was that time, our political parties are at odds with one another, our economy is failing, our President isn't supported, we are fighting in a war that is quite controversial.  My hope is that the memory of this day, may bring people together again and may help all of us to think that we are better as one, than we are undivided.  After all, e plumbus unum--which means, out of many, one,  is on our money, our American Seal, our motto.  We are many and we need to be one.  I hope we can find that unity once again...we are too vulnerable not to have it that way!

Not much to smile, celebrate and love about today.  I'm grateful that I have freedom, I'm grateful that I have family and friends, I'm grateful, that for the most part, I'm safe and secure.  My heart and prayers continue going out to those that lost so much that horrible day, 10 years ago.  May God bless you all, and May God Bless America!

Thought for the day:   Psalms 46 Read today in a 9-11 Tribute by President Obama--very perfect for today and for all days:

Psalm 46[a]
    For the director of music. Of the Sons of Korah. According to alamoth.[b] A song.
   1 God is our refuge and strength,
   an ever-present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
   and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
3 though its waters roar and foam
   and the mountains quake with their surging.[c]
   4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
   the holy place where the Most High dwells.
5 God is within her, she will not fall;
   God will help her at break of day.
6 Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall;
   he lifts his voice, the earth melts.
   7 The LORD Almighty is with us;
   the God of Jacob is our fortress.
   8 Come and see what the LORD has done,
   the desolations he has brought on the earth.
9 He makes wars cease
   to the ends of the earth.
He breaks the bow and shatters the spear;
   he burns the shields[d] with fire.
10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
   I will be exalted among the nations,
   I will be exalted in the earth.”
   11 The LORD Almighty is with us; 
   the God of Jacob is our fortress.

Mom and I in 1993--my first trip to NYC
This was taken from the Statue of Liberty

September 1996
Jill and I on top of Tower 2 at the Observation
Deck of the World Trade Center.
This tower was struck second,
but fell within 30 minutes of being hit.

We will NOT Forget! 

I'm not old...just older....

September 7th 
Happy Birthday to Me! 

Wow, that's old!
I have a great life!  I'm very blessed and very happy and I thank God for my family and friends that have been such a huge influence on me and have made me into the woman I am today. I'm grateful for them and their never-ending love!  
So--thank you to those of you that have made such an impact on my life...
I only hope I've made half the impact on each of you as you have on me. 
 I love you all very much!!

With my mom days after being born; My halloween costume--I think an angel is quite fitting; my first memory--going to the zoo and with my sweet Daddy--he was/is so proud of me!

And Now...the theme song for the day from my boys....enjoy the message

Monday, September 5, 2011

I could get used to a 3 day weekend!

I love three day weekends and being home this weekend really makes me think how much I need a longer vacation!  I've got to get it on the calendar soon that I'm taking some much needed time off!  I think I'll just stay home and do a stay cation and take advantage of all this city has to offer...maybe even set up some spa treatments throughout the week.  I think all in all that would be the best decision to make...my Bon Jovi trips this year have costed a pretty penny, so probably need to stay home and save a little money.  At any rate...I enjoyed having this day off and so thankful that our country recognizes this holiday--couldn't have come at a better time!

Smile:  What did I smile about?
My sweet Daddy called today to check on me.  We don't talk that often but its good to hear his voice...and it typically comes at a time when I need him most!  I love my Daddy..my sweet Daddy!

Celebrate:  What did I celebrate?
I celebrate that I actually got several things crossed off my list around the house (cleaned out pantry, shredded many solicitations, cleaned out old magazines, etc) AND I got myself outside to start the couch to 5K running program.  It about killed me--running for a total of 10 minutes--but felt great.  The day was perfect weather--81 degrees and quite lovely!  A much welcomed relief from the 60+ days of over 100 degrees!

Love:  What do I love?
I love time off!  I love all aspects of being able to get away from work, from all the very busy scheduling that I have to deal with these days and love just being away!  I need these days to get rejuvenated again and get geared up for more hustle and bustle!

Thought for the day: When you smile at someone they produce more serotonin in the brain. You're like a pharmacist dispensing antidepressants with each smile!  Jon Gordon

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Shaken...not stirred...


I had to travel to Richmond, VA for a meeting today and while sitting in a conference room at the Hilton Garden Inn talking about exciting things like the impact to associates and customers will have after we make a particular change in my business...we felt the earth move under our feet. At first we all thought it was the air conditioner kicking into over drive, or someone was trying to move something down the hall and was shaking the floor...we didn't know what it was until it went on for several seconds and someone said "you know, Richmond is on a fault line..." At that point, we all hopped up, got our purses, tried to determine if we should bring our work computers and ran outside.  Once outside, we all stood and looked up at the building trying to see what was happening...probably a pretty stupid move to do, as if there really was something going on, we would have been in a bad spot.  I think that I need to read that book "Worst Case Scenario Survival Guide to determine what I need to do in situations like this should this happen in the future (as we know...my travel experiences tend to be more exciting than I really would like them to be--remember the hurricane last year??)  At any rate they clocked the earthquake at a 5.9 on the richter scale and it was felt as far north as Massachusetts and far west as Ohio.  Our offices in Maryland closed early and there was rumor that the building had some damage.  Was quite an exciting day for me and many others.  While there were not casualties that I'm aware of, and the shock only lasted maybe a minute, it was still a memorable event.  You can read more about the story here:  Virginia earthquake rattles East Coast-CNN.com

So...what am I smiling, celebrating and loving today??? Well...that's pretty easy...I'm loving the fact that while this could have been a very bad situation, we all were ok.  Life is good and all is well in the world (well, not all well with the world, a hurricane is heading for the east coast, the economy is horrible and TX still is in the 100+ degrees!).  God is good and I'm alive!  Just a little shaken...but not stirred!
Thought for the day:  
We only got 86,400 seconds in a day to
Turn it all around or to throw it all away
We gotta tell them that we love them
While we got the chance to say
Gotta live like we're dying  --Live like you were dying-Kris Allen

And...of course, the theme song for the day....

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Was it really 25 years ago?

Many people on my Facebook have been posting status updates that mention taking their kids to college and moving into dorms, etc.  I didn't give it much thought until today, when thinking about 25 years ago and what I was doing the same day that "Livin' on a Prayer" was born.  It hit me that it was very likely that on this exact day 25 years ago, my mom and dad loaded all my belongings into our truck and drove me to Abilene, TX where I moved into first floor of Nelson Dorm.
Nelson Dorm ACU--my room was on the left 1st floor
Now...the first floor was not the floor to be on--to be in the "in crowd" you were supposed to live on the third floor, but alas, my luck was not to be and I was destined to live on the first floor, with a room that didn't have the window screens nailed shut and had a nice pipe right below the window.  More on that later...

Some had pics of Bon Jovi
or Tom Cruise on their walls..
I had Snoopy and Charlie Brown--
I think that about says it all about
my wild and crazy college years!
This probably should be labeled the
"All the things that you can't do
to have a good time in college book"
I also received my PO Box--ACU Station 6978 to be exact. Then I'm sure that I had to pick up my Handbook that told me all the do's and don'ts --like shorts had to be to the knee, curfew had to be met, you had to sign out on the weekend, chapel was mandatory, and boys could only stay in the lobby of the dorms.  My roommate that I met at Freshman Orientation, Dana from Tyler and I had coordinated our matching bedspreads and decor (bears and cross stitch items galore!), and were hopeful that we would be lifelong friends. (I don't think I spoke again to her after we finished our Freshman year...)  The world was wide open for us both and while we were scared to death..we were so happy to be in college!

Yes, a boy...in my room--
can't remember his name,
but he was in my room the one time we could
have boys in the dorm--
yes, the door was open the
whole time!  No, this was not
someone I was interested in.
Dana (on right) and our lovely decorated room-
thanks JC Penney for the lovely and
cheap bedspreads!

The year...1986...a time when gas was $0.89, the average cost of a house was $89,500, and average salaries were $22,400.  Wow...how times have changed--gas on the way home tonight was $3.45; homes are above $200,000 average and there is no way you can live on $22,400 per year!  I can't believe it's been 25 years!  Seriously, how has time passed so fast?  Seems like only yesterday I was that bright eyed, naive girl, who thought that she'd leave college with a good education and a husband.  Life didn't exactly work out like I thought, and if I could go back and tell that 18 year old me something it would be...enjoy the panty raid that happened in your room, put yourself out there, give that boy a chance...he may be the one, and get a better wardrobe--you will be very embarrassed in the future!

Smile:  What have I smiled about?
I smiled when coming home from a business trip to find my house all nice and clean with clean sheets, and the smell of Mr. Clean.  Makes me so happy!

Celebrate:  What do I celebrate?                 Today, August 18th is the 25th anniversary of what some people say is the greatest album of all time, Bon Jovi's "Slippery When Wet."  This album was the birth to some fantastic ballads and songs like "Livin on a Prayer," "Wanted Dead or Alive," "Let it Rock," "Never say Goodbye," and "You give love a Bad Name." This album is what made this band, (that you all know I have grown to love,) popular, and put them in the limelight.  These guys  weren't really "on the scene" prior to this point, and then their world changed when this album was released!  So...Congratulations guys..thanks for creating a masterpiece that we can all karaoke to and enjoy!   Note:  I didn't really even know these guys were around August 18, 1986--now, I could sing every word of Whitney Houston, REO Speedwagon, George Strait, Madonna and probably most Amy Grant songs--and knew every verse to all the church songs.  Don't tell me that I'm not a music lover!  

Love:  What do I love?                                                                                                                                 For 11 summers I've wasted 3 nights a week to stay tuned to see what is happening on this stupid show.  Contestants are locked in a house without any contact with the outside world and are expected to align with others, backstab, create havoc, lie, cheat, and evict one another for $500,000.  They typically always pick a group of crazy folks that have to figure out how to get along.  It's a silly show, and certainly one that I walk away learning NOTHING, but, it's been fun to watch and is a great summer pastime.  I think it's also one of those things that my family also watches, so it's a good bonding experience for all of us.  I love chatting with my mom about it...she gets so worked up about this show!  Love you mom!

Thoughts for the day:  "I'm single because so far...no one can love me better than me!"
"Some people thing hanging in there shows great strength, when the truth is "letting go" is the real test of character."
"The more value you create for others, the more your life will work. Commit yourself to doing good. To get more from life, you must give more to life."

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

God is love...With Him, all things are possible

God is love.  With Him, all things are possible--www.godvine.com

Smile: What did I smile about lately?
I've had some great laughs with some good friends...love those belly laugh kind of moments when you don't know why something is so funny, but find yourself rolling in laughter.  They don't come along too often, but when they do...so much fun!

Celebrate:  What do I celebrate?
I celebrate getting through another company tour with the "big wigs."  Today we had several people in the office looking over all our jobs and making an assessment on how well things were managed.  I think we all showed up well..I got some good praises from some of the people and all in all, think it was a success!  So happy it's over and dread the next one!

Love:  What do I love?
I love McDonald's Ice Cream Chocolate Sundaes!  They are only $1 and worth all the calories!  What a great treat on these HOT days (although I understand that we are supposed to have some break in the heat this weekend..it's supposed to get down to 101 from 110!!)

So, I'm getting over the fact that I got DUMPED!  I know that the right thing worked out, but I'm having a hard time getting over the fact that he did it before I had a chance to do so!  I was the one holding back, not him and yet, he's the one with the change of heart...Once again, I'm happy that things worked out the way they did, but my pride is getting in the way to see past that, so I'm choosing to be bent out of shape at the fact...that I....GOT....DUMPED!  How can you get dumped when you weren't even dating you may ask...well, it happened!  I got dumped without even a kiss!  Guess that's what happens when you put yourself out there...gotta go fishing again...wonder what I may reel in this time...let's hope he's a keeper!  I need a good, long-lasting one that lives here in "Big D!"

Thought for the day:  Stay focused on what you love, and you'll begin to see evidence of it everywhere!