Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hi ho...hi's back to school I go!

I got the official word today...I've been accepted into the University of Texas at Dallas Masters Program for Organizational Behavior and Executive Coaching!  I start on March 4 and while I'm not really sure what I'm getting myself into, I'm very excited at the new chapter this program will bring to my life.  I know that new doors will open as a result of getting more skills and knowledge in this area and am very excited that it's one step closer toward me achieving the life I've imagined!  

Smile:  What have I smiled about lately?
I was given some feedback recently, that when I'm thinking or talking about something that is negative that the sides of my mouth turn down a little.  I think it's from gravity doing bad things to my face, but at any rate, I'll accept the feedback and be more focused on appearing more positive.  As a result, it's caused me to be more conscious of trying to curve up my mouth a little more while I'm listening/thinking.  I have a mirror near my phone and have been practicing my looks in it while on conference calls. I'm glad I have a door to close so no one can see me looking at myself!  I have to say that it's been a little challenging to do and I've noticed that when I practice doing it, it completely lightens my mood!  Just shows me how much I've been in a negative space and I realize what that's done to my entire physical being!  Smile People...for your health, for your sanity, for your wallet (so you don't need plastic surgery!!!)

Celebrate:  What I have celebrated?

There are two sweet little girls in my life that have recently had birthdays.  My sweet niece Meredith and Goddaughter Chloe!  On Saturday, I took Meredith and got her a couple of new outfits at Justice and took her out to dinner.  She came over to my house and spent the night afterwards.  It was such a lovely evening and I just love that sweet little girl so much!  Chloe just turned one and while I wasn't among the 50 people celebrating her special day in San Antonio, I was wishing that I was there to give her a little kiss and see her sweet smile!  My prayer for both of these sweet girls are that they grow up to be strong, confident young women that are secure in themselves and make the right decisions!  

Love: What do I love?
I love the changes that are happening in my life!  Lots of irons in the fire-a-brewing now and I'm so happy to see the vision for my life coming about.  It's been pretty amazing that just by changing my thoughts and having a focus how much my life has taken a different turn--for the better!  I'm very happy and very excited about my future--but living in the present moment and being very happy and grateful for all I am and all I have!  Below is my vision board for all the things I'm inviting into my life.  I couldn't put everything I'm envisioning for my life, but I think I've covered most of the major things..may have a few more things to add, but feel like I've got 90% on here!  

And because it's so appropriate for this post...a little message from my favorite boys...cause IT'S MY LIFE!  (P.S Jon looks quite yummy in this video!)

Thought for the day:
No one is in charge of your happiness except you!  


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