Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I've always had the power

I've had the opportunity over the last six months to work with an amazing woman who has helped me find my smile, relearn how to celebrate life again, and figure out what my passion/love is!  I completed my last session with her yesterday and when I look back over the journey, I have taken I'm amazed at all that I accomplished during this short time.  I have figured out my purpose in life, determined what I want to be when I grow up, and removed the limiting beliefs that repeatedly would tell myself.  I am so excited about the direction I am now taking and the focus that I have on my future. I now know what I need to do to make my dreams come true! I have been in a calm, peaceful state and am full of joy at all that life holds for me going forward.  Life is great and I'm so excited to be living it again!

Katherine, I can't thank you enough for helping me to find my power again!  I appreciate you more than you with know!  Thank you for being my coach and for becoming my friend! I'm so excited to share all the bountiful blessings that I  abundantly come into my life now and in the future! 

Katherine Bock Career Coaching

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