Monday, September 5, 2011

I could get used to a 3 day weekend!

I love three day weekends and being home this weekend really makes me think how much I need a longer vacation!  I've got to get it on the calendar soon that I'm taking some much needed time off!  I think I'll just stay home and do a stay cation and take advantage of all this city has to offer...maybe even set up some spa treatments throughout the week.  I think all in all that would be the best decision to Bon Jovi trips this year have costed a pretty penny, so probably need to stay home and save a little money.  At any rate...I enjoyed having this day off and so thankful that our country recognizes this holiday--couldn't have come at a better time!

Smile:  What did I smile about?
My sweet Daddy called today to check on me.  We don't talk that often but its good to hear his voice...and it typically comes at a time when I need him most!  I love my sweet Daddy!

Celebrate:  What did I celebrate?
I celebrate that I actually got several things crossed off my list around the house (cleaned out pantry, shredded many solicitations, cleaned out old magazines, etc) AND I got myself outside to start the couch to 5K running program.  It about killed me--running for a total of 10 minutes--but felt great.  The day was perfect weather--81 degrees and quite lovely!  A much welcomed relief from the 60+ days of over 100 degrees!

Love:  What do I love?
I love time off!  I love all aspects of being able to get away from work, from all the very busy scheduling that I have to deal with these days and love just being away!  I need these days to get rejuvenated again and get geared up for more hustle and bustle!

Thought for the day: When you smile at someone they produce more serotonin in the brain. You're like a pharmacist dispensing antidepressants with each smile!  Jon Gordon

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