Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends" John 15:13
Let's remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice!

Smile:  What made me smile?

Relaxing this weekend...brings a smile to my face because I FINALLY feel renewed again.  Got my smile back!  Never knew I needed this three day weekend so much!

Celebrate:  What do I celebrate?

I celebrate the men and women past and present who have given their lives to defend this great nation.  I'm so humbled and honored to be served in such a way.  Thank you for serving our country!!

Love: What do I love?
These days, I love my IPAD!  I've enjoyed taking it on trips and have started using it to read books and play games.  I love the convenience of it and so happy I was able to strike a deal with my sister and get it second hand.  I think I got a pretty good deal...hope she feels that way still!

Thought for the day:  Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." - A RETURN TO LOVE Marianne Williamson

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What I know for sure...Oprah taught me...

For the past 25 years, I have turned into Oprah and today was her very last show.   She's taught me so much about how to be an adult.  Her show first started the Fall of my Freshman Year in college.  I quickly learned that she was going to be a great teacher for me.  Her show and I grew into adulthood together and she was there to provide some words of wisdom on a regular basis.  Seemed like no matter what I was going through that I could tune in and find something that would give me the knowledge to handle a situation or how to view myself a little differently.  I learned what it meant to live my authentic self and to be happy in the skin I'm in.  I learned diet and exercise tips.  I learned how to decorate my house. I learned about clothing tips.  I learned about latest gadgets and hot items to purchase at Christmas.  I learned the power of a vision board.  I learned that I have the power within myself and don't need anyone to "complete" me.  I learned what my poop should look like.  I learned how to manage my finances.  I learned dating tips.  I learned how to parent.  I learned about new books that were on the market that introduced me to new authors and different ways of thinking.  I learned about relationships.  I learned the importance of looking around and being grateful for the big and small things in life (which was one of the main reasons for this blog).  I learned how to appreciate myself.  I learned how to feel worthy of all I am and all I have.  She was a great teacher in my life. 

I can honestly say that I’m living my best life. I love who I am.  Am proud of what I am.  Am happy in the skin I’m in.  And worthy of all I have.  Thank you Oprah for teaching me these lessons..and so much more!  You will be missed!

For a full transcript of her last show, please go here: Oprah's love letter

Smile:  What did I smile about today?
I was told that I was appreciated today by someone that I didn’t think appreciated me much.

Celebrate:  What did I celebrate today?
I celebrate Oprah’s last show. 

Love:  What do I love?
I love that in spite of the crazy storms last night, today the sun is shining, the wind is not as strong and there is hope that tomorrow will continue.  

Thought for the day: Every new beginning is from some other beginnings end.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's the end of my tour as I know...and I feel fine...

Just so happened that the picture above was on my page a day calendar on Friday and have to say, was a great way to begin the weekend.  As you know, I'm obsessed with Bon Jovi.  In the last 14 months, I've been to 5 shows and can't get enough.  I know this doesn't sound very practical to many of you, however they put on such a great show and for 2 1/2 hours you forget all the troubles in the world.  I love their music and find such comfort and optimism in it, so I think it's ok to be a little obsessed.  

Me and Bonnie in Houston airport waiting to hear
if our name is called for the flight!
Well, they've been touring since February 2010 and this past weekend were their last shows in America before heading over to Europe to officially end the tour in July.  I had gone to a show in San Antonio in March and thought that was going to be my last, but it just didn't feel right to end on that note...I had to find another (once again my obsession kicks in!).  So, I asked my trusted side kick and BFF, Bonnie if she wanted to go on another adventure with me.  She has flight benefits and so we had to choose somewhere that SWA flies, so Milwaukee seemed to work best with our schedules and flights.  I bought the tickets, she got a hotel and off we were to the nice state of Wisconsin!  Never been there before...I like cheese and enjoy a good beer every once and awhile, so seems like a good place to visit!

As it got closer it seemed that flying directly into WI wasn't such a good idea so we came up with plan to Chicago and drive almost 2 hours.  We prayed that we wouldn't get stuck somewhere and would be able to complete our adventure.  As luck would have it, Dallas got bad storms on Friday so we were a little freaked out that we wouldn't make it there, but prayers were answered and we made it on flights to Chicago...didn't get in until after midnight, but hey, it was free, we got on the flight and all was well.  So lucky!  

Got into Milwaukee around 4pm, checked into our nice Hilton Garden Inn near the airport (highly recommend!) and just rested for a little while before heading out to the big show.  We had heard that the end of the world was coming at 6pm local time, as  Mr. Harold Camping has expressed, so we were ready for the big event...although were secretly hoping to see my Jonny baby one last time before meeting my God!  Luckily, Mr. Harold Camping was wrong and we all are here to share another day.  While I'm happy the world didn't end, I'm also confident to say that I'm ready to go...should that great day happen!

So happy to be there! Lovely place!
What a nice welcome note!

And one final time...I love Bon Jovi!
We got to the concert and found our seats...great seat selection!  We walked around and found an opportunity to get out picture taken with the band...who knew they'd be hanging around before the show???  You'd think they'd be warming up or something...what a moment!
Yep...this will be a Christmas Card Picture!
Enjoyed the show...sang our lungs out (yes Bonnie got video/audio of our lovely voices!--no that won't be posted anywhere publically!).  It was an awesome night!  The crowd was so into the show, didn't see anyone sitting down at all, very loud..even the boys were amazed at the noise level!  Was a great event!  Loved every minute of it and so glad that I went out with a bang!  So, my tour is over, unless I figure out a way to get to Greece or Turkey in the next few weeks...too bad SWA doesn't fly there....would be something I'd consider though, if I could swing it!

And now...the good part...the pictures...

Lost in the powerful words he was singing...
"I'll be there for you..."


Band...minus Richie (he's in rehab...miss ya Richie!)

I think he's thanking God that this tour is almost
over and he can go home and spend time with his family!

And that's it folks...till next time...hopefully
there will be a next time!  
Jon was happy about the fact that we survived the threat of the end of the world and chose to sing part of the REM song "It's the end of the world as we know it.."..enjoy:

Thought for the day:  Anything is possible if you've got the nerve--JK Rolling (Harry Potter Creator).


Monday, May 16, 2011

"I'm feeling like a Monday, but Someday I'll be Saturday night"--JBJ

This weekend, I pretty much did as Jane Austen suggests...stay home for real comfort.  It's been a crazy several weeks and have even crazier ones ahead, so I was in need of some couch time and time to update my scrapbook.  Still trying to finish 2010!  All in all was a good weekend, just not long enough to really fully relax like I need to.  I'm planning a vacation sometime soon...I need some get away time!

Smile:  What did I smile about?
At church yesterday, we honored the Seniors.  They actually lead all the singing and video production.  It was so wonderful to see how christ-like they were.  They seemed all so innocent, full of life and hope and so joyful to share their faith.  They were singing like angels and really, truly praising God for what he's done in their lives.  It was so inspiring to see young people (I can't believe I'm actually using that phrase...but that's what they are!) be so open about their Christianity.  Was very inspirational!  I need to take a few lessons from them!

Celebrate:  What did I celebrate?
I went to the doctor today and found out my cholesterol is very good.  He was quite amazed at how great my levels were and told me to keep doing what ever I'm doing to keep them in check.  Given that my family has a history of high cholesterol, I'm very happy with that news!  Now, for all other examination results to go just as well!

Love:  What do I love?
I love sleep...something that I've been having difficulty doing lately and wish I could get more of.  I think that would help me maintain my diet a little more, make me feel a little better in the morning and allow me to think a little clearer at work.  Yes, sleep, it's a good thing.  And with that...I'm turning in for the night...good evening my friends!

Thought for the day:  Keep looking forward, that's why the windshield is so big and the rearview mirror is so small!


Friday, May 13, 2011

It's Friday! Friday! Friday! Yea!

Don't know why this popped in my head to share with you today, but thought you might get a kick out of it. For those that don't know, this girl has become a pop culture sensation, so, for all your trivial pursuit lovers out there..this could be the answer to an entertainment question--what song got 137,000,000 hits on you tube as a joke?  Answer: "It's Friday by Rebecca Black in 2011.  There...hope you win the game with that bit of useless information.

Smile: What do I smile about?
It's Friday...that alone is reason to smile

Celebrate:  What do I celebrate?
I celebrate that it was a pretty successful week.  Things are still very busy, but coming together nicely.  I just hope my team sticks by me as we have a lot going on these days and I need their support like crazy to get things done.  We've got to "up our game" and it's pushing and stretching people in lots of ways...including me (my word of the year is coming true!)

Love:  What do you love?
I love that I have no plans this weekend and can really rest, relax, clean and feel like a person again.  Guess there are some benefits to being single after all.

Enjoy your weekend!

Thought for the day:  Best way to improve the world, is to improve yourself.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


I have the best mom in the whole wide world!  She's caring, supportive, loving, sweet, kind, selfless, and most importantly, Christ-like.  She loves her children unconditionally and regardless of the situation, is there to support and assist whenever and however she can.  She's instilled in her kids a strong sense of family, helping others, and to follow God.  I love my mother more than I think I can express and am so very, very blessed that she is my mom.   When God was planning on who was going to get my Mom as a mother, I'm so very glad that He gave me her.

So today, on this mother's day, I smile, celebrate and love you Mom!  Thank you for all you are, for all you do, and for all you've given me to be the me I am today.  My hope and prayer is that I can be half the woman as you!

Happy Mother's Day!
I love you!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

God Bless America!

Breaking News..Osama Bin Laden is dead!  Prayers are answered and Justice has been served!  A bad man got what he deserved.  Almost 10 years ago, this horrible man gave the orders to kill innocent people in one of the worst tragedies in American history!  Praise God that he's no longer able to hurt any more people.

Yes, mom, this is the fire house that was near our hotel in NYC...

As someone said on Twitter...a Girl married her Prince and a bad man is's a real life Disney movie in action this weekend in our world!

Thought for the day...good always wins...may take some time, but good always wins!

Fairy Tales Do Come True!

 I am a hopeless romantic and really wish that all those fairy tales that I was read from an early change really did happen.  That a common girl meets her handsome prince and they fall in love and live happily ever after.  Perhaps that's why at age 12 I got up at 4 am to be a witness to the a real life fairy princess marry her prince and why, at age 42, I got up at 4am and watch that fairy princess' son marry his beautiful bride.  I love everything about the story of William and Kate and truly believe they are in love (unlike his mum, Diana and father Charles).

In spite of the extravagance, the wedding was simple and sweet.  Kate's dad proudly gave his little girl away, her brother read a passage from Romans 12, the Bishop of London gave a lovely sermon and the Queen smiled, happy at the thought of this marriage.  They are a couple in love and it was nice of them to invite us all to their little affair!  A day to remember for sure!

Best Wishes HRH William and Catherine, Duke and Duchess of Cambridge!  May you live happily ever after!

I decided that I would host a Royal Wedding Watching Party, so I invited some of my girlfriends over for dinner and to watch the big event on TV.  Of course, the wedding was early in the morning Central Standard Time, so we had to watch on the DVR and I couldn't wait to see it, so I had already watched it earlier that morning, but seeing it again (and again) was fine with me.  The wedding was quite beautiful and so sweet!  What a lovely event and a magical occasion!  

For part two of the party, I made my nieces watch a real life prince and princess get married.  I'm sure that I've contributed to some amount of crazy dating thinking like I have, but they had to witness this big event..just had to!  We dressed up for round two...I think they enjoyed it, although it wasn't Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez...the only "royal couple" they seem to care about...oh well.  I tried to educate them on the important things in life!

Thought for the day:  The prayer that Prince William and Princess Catherine wrote for the wedding and read by the Lord Bishop of London--something we all should be reminded of regularly!  Enjoy:

God our Father, we thank you for our families; for the love that we share and for the joy of our marriage.
In the busyness of each day keep our eyes fixed on what is real and important in life and help us to be generous with our time and love and energy.
Strengthened by our union help us to serve and comfort those who suffer. 
We ask this in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Amen.

And they lived...
Happily Ever After....
The End--or is it The Beginning!

Home Sweet Home


New Granite--I couldn't have imagined how great it looks!

New Backsplash, sink, and faucet
I love the look!  

I've finally completed the home renovation and love the new look!  I can't believe how beautifully it all came together!  I'm so proud of the work and it makes me want to have people over to see more often!  Perhaps I'll actually do one of my resolutions which is to entertain more and expand my cooking skills!  The color is absolutely perfect and matches the crazy tile even better than I could imagine!  I love it so much!  Was very worried about it and so relieved once I saw it all come together. If you need some home renovation...I know a good contractor!

Bathroom also got renovated it as well, although I need to now change out some of my decorations--more money to spend..yipee!

New floor

New marble shower and enclosure
New Granite countertops

New Kohler Sinks and faucets

I'm so happy with these changes and makes me love my home even more!  These changes makes all that hard work from last year a nice payoff!  Much more long lasting than a trip or a new outfit...this should pay off in the long run much more!  I look at these changes and truly Smile, Celebrate and Love each and every change!