Monday, January 31, 2011

Bundle Up! Weather is comin!

Oh, I'm so excited that we are getting a "wintery mix" tomorrow...NOT!  I love to look at snow and ice, but HATE to deal with it!  Hoping and Praying that this weather passes us by without too much trouble!  

Bundle up!  Weather is comin!

Tonight: Windy. Thunderstorms early, then colder after midnight with a mixture of wintry precipitation possible. Low 31F. Winds NNE at 20 to 30 mph.

  • Tomorrow: Windy. Snow will taper off and end during the morning leading to cloudy conditions during the afternoon. Morning high of 30F with temps falling to near 20F. Winds NNW at 25 to 35 mph. 2 to 4 inches of snow expected.
  • Tomorrow night: Windy. Cloudy skies will become partly cloudy overnight. Very cold. Low 11F. Winds NNW at 20 to 30 mph.
  • Wednesday: Overcast. Very cold. High around 20F. Winds NNW at 15 to 25 mph.
  • Thursday: Mostly Cloudy. Highs in the low 20s and lows in the low teens.
  • Friday: Mix of sun and clouds. Highs in the low 30s and lows in the upper teens.
  • Fire up for cold weather~ Guess that's exactly what will be happening a nice fire in the fireplace and lots and lots of blankets to keep warm and cozy!

Smile:  What have I smiled about lately?

Went to see "No Strings Attached" this weekend.  Pretty cute movie and lots of times that I think I literally laughed out loud!  I love movies and have no problem going by aren't going to talk anyway, so really, it's not a big deal having to go by yourself, in my honest opinion.
Also smiled that I was able to spend a little time catching up with an old friend!  I love having these special people in my life!

Celebrate:  What do I celebrate?
Today I had an interesting conversation with someone that may provide some different opportunities for my career.  I'm intrigued and am considering some options.  Was honored that my reputation and hard work has been shared.  Nice to know that people do notice!

Love:  What do I love?
Well, the online dating is moving a bit slow.  I have several "waiting for responses" once again it's in their court to respond.  I'm a little frustrated, cause while I think i'm a great catch...apparently others don't see that, or are willing to give me a try.  Oh well...I'm still throwing my net out there...hopefully a fish will swim in!  
So on a lighter note, what do I love, I love being an Auntie and this article describes exactly what I think about my role in these precious children's life!  

Thought for the day:  Three things in human life are important:  the first is to be kind.  The second is to be kind and the third is to be kind.  Henry James

Keep warm and safe!  Have a good week my friends!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thankful it's Thursday!

Smile:  What made me smile today?
Seeing the video above while on the treadmill at the gym.  Something about watching 40+ year old men doing choreography makes you just have to smile from ear to ear!  Only thing that would have made it better...if it was the combined group NKOTBSB!  Now, that is greatness in action!

Celebrate:  What do I celebrate?
I celebrate being able to press "send" on a document that has been hanging over my head for 2 weeks now!  Finally finished it and was so happy to send off for formatting!  I also celebrate that I went to the gym tonight. Sorry lady next to me trying to get your personal best on the treadmill.  I didn't mean to unplug your treadmill while I was trying to retrieve my ipod that jumped off the treadmill and flew across the floor.  I didn't mean to ruin your day!  Woops!  

Love:  What do I love?
Don't have any thing new to report on the online dating front.  Just playing the waiting game. And for those that are keeping, I haven't figured out how to stalk Troy yet, so my goal of him falling in love with me is a little slow moving.  Need to get my network on the project!

So, what do I love today?  I do love the fact though that I am able to work from home and love that I have that flexibility from time to time to get things done and wow did I get things done today!

Thought for the day:  Give in the way you are most called to give, and life will thank you by placing joy in your heart.  

Cheers to you!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

One step closer

Smile:  What made me smile today?

Listening to people laugh on the radio as I was driving to work today.  Just put me in a great mood as I was on my way to a busy day!  Love to hear people laugh!  We don't do enough each day.

Celebrate:  What do I celebrate today?

I celebrate that I am grateful for my past work experience.  Today I had an opportunity to begin a mentor relationship with someone that is starting their professional career.  As I was telling my story, I realized just how grateful I am for all those projects I did, all the people that believed in me when I didn't believe in myself and all the blood, sweat and many tears I have shed over the years.  I'm proud of my accomplishments and hope that I can help someone progress a little faster than I by learning from my many mistakes along the way.  I celebrate the past and appreciate all the learnings that I got from it.

Love:  What do I love?
So I'm one step closer to meeting my first guy on e-harmony (Bill is ahead of some of the others).  Today I had to answer three questions that he provided to me:

1. Describe an interest that you truly hope your partner will share with you?
2.  They say life is about simple pleasures.  What are your simplest pleasures and how do they make you feel?
3.  What do you think your three best traits that you can offer your partner?

At some point, I'll share my answers to these questions...but I ask, how would YOU answer them?  It took me ALL night to figure out how to be clever, myself and honest.  This is why I have such a hard time with online requires a lot of work!  I was supposed to do some business work tonight but made a choice to spend time on my personal life instead.  I'm hopeful that the decision was the best choice.  Anyway, I think that the more that I do these questions, the better I will be.  I'm really trying to have a good attitude about all this!  Really...I am!

Thought for the day:  Today you've been given a gift--the power to choose your attitude!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I think I have a chance...

Hello Tuesday--Thank you for being kind today!  You brought out the sun when the weather forecasters said it was going to be cold and cloudy, you went by quickly, and you didn't cause too many problems.  Good job Tuesday!  You can come back around again--perhaps even change your name to Wednesday.

Smile:  What did I smile about today?
Two things made me smile-

  1. Seeing kids walk to school with their parents hand in hand.  I grew up in a town where we didn't have the ability to walk to school and always was quite jealous of the kids that grew up with that bit of Americana.  Seeing them walk hand in hand with their mom or dad just brings a smile on my face each day.
  2.  While trying to get motivated at work, I was listening to my ipod and heard "Here comes the sun" by the Beatles!  Love that song and got me motivated to get some things done!
Celebrate:  What do I celebrate today?
I celebrate the ability to cross off several items on my to-do list!  It was quite a productive day and I love going to bed knowing that I put in an honest day's work and added value along the way!  Marking items done...priceless!

Love:  What do I love today?
The online dating has been going well.  Currently in the process of learning about two guys, Bryan and Bill.  They both seem cute and interesting and actually have brought some smiles to my face as I have been going through the process E-Harmony puts you through.  I can see based upon their profile why perhaps we were matched together.  We'll see what happens. I am hopeful that something will  happen.  

 If all else fails, I heard tonight on the news that Troy Aikman, my guilty pleasure before Jon Bon Jovi, is getting divorced from his wife of 10 years. I have hope!  I think I may have a chance...

Thought for the day:  It takes a lot of work from the face to let out a smile, but just think what good smiling can bring to the most important muscle of the body... the heart.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I just haven't met you yet...

Will I find love online?  Stay tuned....

Happy Sunday! Had a week of travel to Maryland and enjoyed a weekend catching up with some good friends.  Trip was good and I was thankful that the weather behaved so I could get there and back in one piece!  I'm a much better traveler when ice and snow are not part of the picture!

Smile:  What's made me smile lately?

Coconut Cupcake--YUMMY!
  • Georgetown cupcakes in Bethesda:  Love the coconut cupcake so much that I can't get anything else when I go there!  This place has the BEST cupcakes and I love them so much I can rationalize and justify breaking my diet to eat one!  You must try if in the DC/MD area!  
  • Watching movies with good friends:  I'm very blessed to have special people in my life that can also enjoy a quiet evening watching movies and allow me to be a bad hostess and fall asleep on the couch during the movie.  It was a great way to relax after a busy week of travel and meetings.  
  • Getting a call from my niece and then finding out that my brother didn't even know she had taken his phone.  I love that she chose to call her Auntie to say "i love you"--so cute!
Celebrate:  What have I celebrated lately?

  • That the weather held out and that the east coast has the tools to keep the roads and sidewalks clear when there is even a hint of snow or ice in the forecast.  It was so nice to see the salt pellets on the ground after eating dinner and helped ease my mind for the commute the next day!  Thank you MD taxpayers for putting your tax dollars toward my safety!
  • Choices:  we all have a choice to be as happy as we want to be and I celebrate making the right choice most of the time. Life is good and I'm happy to say that I'm making good choices to see the world a little brighter and a little more positive.  Are you making good choices?
  • Finally, I celebrate that I'm one of the few lucky ones that has not had to suffer too many bad things in life.  Today in church, we learned how Jesus suffered on the Cross and how God was there by his side, listening to him and how He is there for us as we go through our suffering.  I praise God that while life hasn't always been peaches and cream, I have been very lucky and am blessed to have all that I have, however, I also know that no matter what, HE is there willing and able to help me through whatever it is that I'm going through!  Praise God!
Love:  What do I love?

So, I did it...I finally got myself together enough to try online dating again.  I'm trying to have a good attitude about it and am hopeful that I will meet someone to spend some time with and who knows..perhaps fall in love with.  I truly believe he's out there..I just haven't met him yet!  Stay tuned for more updates on this project!  I'm sure that it will be quite exciting to follow--at least, let's hope that it is!   Enjoy the video...I think it's pretty perfect for my situation!

Thought for the day:
We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves happy.  The amount of work is the same.  --Carlos Castaneda

Cheers to you!  Have a great week ahead!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Full Moon Rising

Smile:  What made me smile today?
Seeing a full moon in the sky as I was driving home tonight.  While I truly believe that the moon does affect people's moods (if you don't believe me, work in a customer service call center and you'll quickly change your mind), it still is brings me peace every time I see it in the sky.  I love how it lights up the sky and love to say a prayer to that man in the moon and feel like I'm speaking directly to God.  Truly magnificent!  How Great thou Art!

Celebrate:  What do I celebrate today?
I celebrate my BFF, Bonnie getting an exceptional rating on her performance appraisal.  Much deserved!  I'm so glad she's recognized for her efforts!  Nice to know that good things REALLY do happen to good people!  Way to go my friend!  Way to go!  Congratulations!

Love:  What do I love today?
I love that hope really is something that exists and is a strategy to help pull people through some difficult times.  Love that hope is helping the right things work out!

Thought for the day:  Love is a decision--choose wisely!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Dream Big!

I had a long weekend this weekend and it was great!  Enjoyed time with my sister and nieces and then spent MLK day getting some much needed pampering.  It was a great weekend to smile, celebrate and love!

Smile:  What did I smile about these last few days?
So many things to smile about:

  • seeing smiles on little girls at the American Girl store who were so excited to be in the very special store with lots of really cute things!
  • laughing at my 5 year old niece who is just too cute for words.  She has so many cute looks, phrases, and zest for life.  There are too many moments to name that made me smile and laugh at her this weekend
  • getting out of chuck-e-cheese in just under 2 hours without any tears
  • seeing my friend, Penni today for a much needed facial!  Thanks Penni! My smile is a little more hydrated and a lot more exfoliated!  
Celebrate:  What did I celebrate the last few days?
This weekend we celebrated my niece's 5th birthday.  When asked how old she was going to be she said "16"...that's about right...cute kid! 

Saturday night WII "tournament"
I also celebrate that I am a really bad video game player!  We played the WII and I was really trying against the girls, and still lost.  I celebrate that I know my strengths and weaknesses and realize that video games is not something that I'm going to master.  

I celebrate that Martin Luther King stood up for his values, beliefs and cause in spite of the controversy and small minded people around him.  While we still have a long way to still go for civil rights, we are much better off and the hope is that his "dream" truly becomes a reality!  

Love:  What did I love the past few days?
I love my family!  I am so blessed to have my sister and brother in my life.  I am so blessed that no matter what any of us are going through, good or bad, we are there for each other to support, preach, lend a hand or just praise.  While we aren't without our drama, we are close and I'm very happy to be their big sister.  I am a very lucky person!  

Thought for the day:  Dream Big--while this isn't MLK's message...still a good thought to take away for this special day:


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thankful it's Thursday

I'm happy that it's Thursday!  It's been a long, busy week, and I'm happy to have some time this weekend to relax and excited to see my little sister and celebrate my niece's 5th birthday this weekend.  Should be a nice way to spend some time off!

Smile:  What made me smile today?

On Saturday, an awful shooting took place at a political ralley in AZ.  One of the congresswomen was severely injured and several were killed.  This clip was from a memorial service in which President Obama was giving an update.  It made me smile knowing that once again, God is answering prayers.

Celebrate: What do I celebrate today?
I celebrate that a much needed meeting that took place today went extremely well!  So happy that my message was clearly communicated and my ideas were shared.  I think it will set me up for future successes, at least I hope that's what happened.

Love:  What do I love?
Chivalry!  It isn't dead! Who knew?!  I was entering the building today and a gentleman practically ran to open the main door for me then followed me up the stairs to open other doors for me.  It was so nice to be treated like a lady and know that gentleman really do exist out there.

Thought for the day:  "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough troubles of their own" Matt 6:34


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Terrific Tuesday!

When I said that the "sun will come out tomorrow" in yesterday's post, I wasn't sure that it would actually happen (can't ever trust the weather forecasters!), but today, was so happy to see blue skies and the pretty sun up above!  While it didn't get above freezing all day, the sun sure helped improve mood and energy levels!  I love blue skies!

Smile:  What did I smile about today?
God is Good!  His works surround me and I see His hand in my life and others around me!  Lately, he's answered many prayers to heal relationships, help find jobs, keep cancer under control, and help keep stress levels low.  There is nothing more beautiful to smile about than to know the HE is truly in control if we only turn ourselves over to Him!  What a wonderful, peaceful thing to know!

Celebrate:  What do I celebrate today?
Each year I choose a word to help represent what I hope to achieve that year. This year, I chose "Stretch."  It has several meanings but one is to stretch myself in my job and take on some new things that I'm not familiar with.  Today, I found out that I will lead an initiative that I really don't know anything about and is truly out of my comfort zone, but a great opportunity to make a difference in my organization.  It's going to be a lot of work and comes with lots of visibility (which can be a great thing if things go well, but can be quite challenging if it doesn't!).  Many prayers will be sent to help me through this great learning curve!

Love:  What do I love today?

Due to the cold weather, my tire pressure sensor went off in my car, so I had to get to a garage to put in more air in my tires.  You see, I don't want to know how to check the tire pressure, or to be responsible for putting the air in the tires, so I love that there are establishments that I can pull into, not even get out of my car to get in the cold and allow someone else to take care of that for me! While for the most part, I'm a pretty independent, single woman, but this is one area that I play the "girl" card and don't want to know anything about this (I also play this card on mowing the grass and driving a standard car)   Thank you Discount Tire for the free air check and for keeping me safe!

Thought for the day:  "Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you"  Matt 7:7--stop --right the minute and say a prayer!

God bless you today and every day!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Come Monday It will Be Alright...

The commute into work wasn't too bad although, which was nice given the temperature and the amount of snow we had yesterday. I need some sun soon vitamin d is running out and was quite tired due to the dreary nature of the day. Hopefully tomorrow will bring some blue skies!

Smile: what did I smile about today?

Someone on facebook had posted this cute video and I couldn't help smile from ear to ear just watching...enjoy. 

Celebrate:  What do I celebrate today?
I found out that after working super hard last year that it is going to pay off and that I finished the year above some of my peers, which is a very difficult thing to do!  Was happy to know that others think added value and that it wasn't just all in my mind!

Love:  What do I love today?
HEAT!  It hasn't gotten above freezing all day and I'm so happy to have a warm house to come home to and my heart goes out to those that don't!  I need to stretch myself more to others who are less fortunate than I!  That's on the to-do list for this year!  Got it to do!

Thought for the day:One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon—instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today.-Dale Carnegie

Sunday, January 9, 2011

First Snow

This weekend was pretty quiet and I was able to get some things crossed off my to-do list. Was supposed to babysit nieces, but plans fell through at the last minute, so it gave me some time to attend to some things that I have been meaning to do for a while. Woke up Sunday morning to lots of rain and cold weather and decided to worship from home this morning. Had another relaxing day!

Smile: What made me smile today?
One of my resolutions is to cook more this year and to practice different recipes. Today, I made chicken tortilla soup in the crock pot and it came out wonderful! Once I put all the ingredients together, I looked outside to see the biggest snow flakes and that they were sticking on the ground. We had about an inch or so today and are supposed to have some really cold weather most of the week. I like the cold, and love the snow, but hate to drive in it, so am a little worried about how commute will be tomorrow. At any rate, first sign of snow brings a smile to my face...there's something about fresh snow with no footprints that makes me feel like all is right in the world.

Celebrate: What do I celebrate today?
I celebrate the woman that I'm becoming--after all these years I'm finally using my voice and continuing to show my confidence. I just hope that in doing so, I am not putting my filter on and as a result hurting people in the process. I love that I'm sticking up for myself and my needs, but worry that I'm being too selfish. I hope that sweet, kind me doesn't leave me as this new set of qualities settle inside.

Love: What do I love?
I love that I was able to get so much done this weekend. One of my goals is to document life more and I spent some time this week nurturing my creative mind and did some scrap booking, creating some videos, and making a calendar. Am proud that I used all my resources when I couldn't figure out something to teach myself what I needed to do to fix the problem. It was a good weekend!

Thought for the day: Sending love is a powerful remedy. It breaks down walls, calms a worried mind and heals wounds. Try sending some love now!--Cheryl Richardson

Friday, January 7, 2011

It's Friday

Nothing more to write's Friday...what's more to Smile, Celebrate and Love!
Enjoy the weekend!

Thought for the day...happiness begins from within. You can't seek it out, or expect others to provide, you have to find it within yourself! Be happy!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What day is it?

I woke up this morning and couldn't remember what day it was. I was so confused because of traveling in the middle of the week and coming home on Wednesday, which is something that I don't typically do (will either come home Thursday or Friday). As I said yesterday, I was pretty tired from not getting much sleep and so would have loved to have slept a few more hours hours, but alas, I had to get up and get ready because I had a meeting with our VP that promptly started at 8am. One thing I have to admit is that I'm not a morning person and forcing me to be at a meeting that starts at 8 is ...well challenging for me. At least I'm willing to admit my flaws. Anyway, once I finally decided it was officially Thursday, I was pretty happy because this week seemed to go by quickly and am happy that the weekend is coming so I can get some rest. Yea for Thursday!

Smile: What made me smile today?

I really enjoy listening to sports radio on my way home from work. I started listening to them over 15 years ago when the Cowboys were in their height of their hayday and my boy Troy Aikman was playing. I was obsessed with all things sports, and particularly the cowboys. Since that time, I've changed my obsession (now Bon Jovi) but still listen to The "Hardline" each night. I think the guys on there are quite funny and they typically make me laugh each night because of their bantering and funny quips they make to each other. Of course I do get caught up on the latest going on in sports, like today Jason Garrett was named Head Coach of the Dallas Cowboys, but I also feel like I get some good laughs even though sometimes they are a little irreverent. They do make me smile and are a good way to end a long day when all I want to do is escape from the stress and just laugh my way home! I guess I'm what they would call a "TicketChick"--or a P1, whatever that is (hope it's not anything nasty!)

Celebrate: What do I celebrate?
I was able to fit comfortably into some pants that when I last wore were quite tight. I weighed myself this morning and was shocked to see the number as it was lower than the other day! Not sure how that has happened, because I certainly haven't been starving myself to death. I hope my scales are broken and my pants were switch at the cleaners!

Love: What do I love today?
I love that I found a dollar in the bottom of my purse so I could get lunch without having to use my debit card! Now...if only I could find that missing $100...

Thought for the day: For good health and a strong spirit repeat 10 times daily: "I am loveable." "I am loving." "I am loved"

Cheers to you!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

There's no place like home!

I had to travel to Richmond, VA for a three-hour meeting. While that may seem like it’s a waste of money and not the best use of time, I have to beg to differ. I was meeting with people I didn’t know and rather than try to spend time in a long, boring conference call, where I would have been the only one on the phone, I chose to attend the meeting. The trip…well, was typical business travel, however the relationships I built in the three-hour meeting I hope to prove invaluable, so all in all, it was worth the hassle! There were a few adventures I encountered along the way that made me try to keep my focus on less complaining and more being thankful, although, that was challenging at 4 AM in the morning when a group of young college kids were running up and down the hotel hallway slamming doors. I had to really keep my attitude in check!

Smile: What made me smile today?

Today, I proved to myself, once again, how critical it is to smile. I had just left one meeting and had to drive to another location for another meeting. I’m wasn’t sure exactly where I was going, had a hard time finding a parking place, and was running late. I’m not very familiar with this office so it’s always a little stressful wondering if where I’m heading is where I need to be. I also had a lot on my mind as I was walking from the car carrying my heavy lap top bag, purse and trying to manage the cold day. I knew that my facial expression was less than pretty, especially when I saw someone looking at me, studying my demeanor. It took me a minute to notice her looking at me for me to catch myself and realize that I needed an attitude check. At that moment, I just put a huge smile across my face and said hello to this stranger. She smiled back and I think perhaps I may have made her day, as she helped to change my mindset and attitude. It helped set the stage for the rest of my afternoon and gave me the little umph that I needed to turn my day around!

Celebrate: What do I celebrate today?

I celebrate my wonderful, quiet home! After spending most of the night listening to kids happy to all be back together after Christmas break, celebrating someone’s 21st birthday last night, I’m happy to be home, in my clean house, with fresh sheets and a quiet evening. I’m looking for a good night’s rest and thankful that I don’t have to hear doors slam, girls yelling and lots of loud talking outside my door! What a night I had last night! So happy to be home!

Love: What do I love?

I love getting upgraded! I have had to travel a lot over the last year and have elite status with American Airlines, which from time to time allows me to get upgraded to first class. Tonight was one of those times, so I enjoyed a more comfortable seat, a half way decent meal, a glass of wine and a blanket that I could use to get some rest on the flight home. While business travel is not all that glamorous as it may seem to some people, I’m thankful for those small rewards that come with it every once and a while!

Thought for the day:

Let us be grateful for people who make us happy: They are the charming gardens who make our souls blossom. –Marcel Proust

Monday, January 3, 2011

Here comes the sun...

Monday...or as one of my friends on Facebook refers to it...MOAN-Day!  Back to work after being off for a week and a half and all in all it was a pretty good day, in spite of trying to remember what I was working on or said I would work on before I left on vacation.  I think some people still had the day off because it was a pretty slow email and meeting day...let's hope the rest of the year goes that way.  So, what am I grateful for today...

Smile: what did I smile about?
Well, this morning I got to wake up with Jon Bon Jovi...well, not really, but it's the closest thing I will ever get to waking up to him, listening to him sing one of my favorite songs, "Here comes the sun."  You see, I'm a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE, Bon Jovi fan and I have several songs in a play list called "wake up times" that I set to be my alarm each morning.  The songs are set to play on shuffle, so I'm not really ever sure what may come up that morning and yet, every time "Here comes the sun"  comes up on my Ipod playlist, I just smile and know that the day is starting off right!  Enjoy the song (it has some audio/video problems, but you can still ooogle over that beautiful man and hear his beautiful voice sing this beautiful song!)  Perhaps it may make you smile too!

Celebrate:  What did I celebrate today?
I celebrated the fact that I was quite proud of myself for having all my strategy and objectives laid out for my team way before the year ended and now my team is executing upon those plans without me having to even mention anything to them to get them on track, even after we've all been off work for the last week and a half.  I consider myself quite lucky to manage a great group of people who are just as committed to success as I am.  It makes for a great environment where we can accomplish some really wonderful things for our organization!

Love:  What did I love today?
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE reality shows and am so excited that the Bachelor starts tonight.  Don't get me wrong, it's a huge time suck and yet I find myself totally mesmerized by these crazy girls making total fools of themselves for someone that they think is their "knight in shining armor."  I guess I'm living a little vicariously through these girls because it certainly wouldn't be something I would do to search for love, perhaps that's why I'm still single...may need to explore that a little more!  At any rate, reality tv is my guilty pleasure, sad as it is, but I adore shows like the Bachelor, Biggest Loser, Survivor, Amazing Race and when its a slow tv period, I'll suck myself into a Real Housewives of XYX city any day...sad, but true.  

Thought for the day:
Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change --Wayne Dyer.

Cheers to you all!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy 2011

For several years I've been kicking around the idea of starting a blog, but didn't know what to write about.  Today, it hit me what my concept could be about, after I noticed a plaque I have on my vanity table in my bathroom.  It has the phrase Smile*Celebrate*Love on it and was bought shortly after my 40th birthday to signify all that I had experienced the year leading up to that big day. After noticing it today I thought this would be a perfect way for me to capture and document all the things in my life that make me smile, my many celebrations both big and small, and the things and people I love the most.  I'm thinking this is more of a way to note all of the many blessings I have in life that I'm so grateful for, but don't take the time to reflect upon. goes the first post *drum roll please*:

Smile:  What made me smile today?
A text received at the perfect time from my almost 5 year old niece that had a bunch of happy face emoticons and said "I love and miss you Auntie!"  Somehow that sweet angel knows the right time that I need to hear those words.  I understand from her parents that she asks on her own to send a message and isn't prompted, which makes it even more special that she's thinking of others even when they aren't around often.

Celebrate:  What did I celebrate today?
I finally went to the gym!  Had to search high and low for my gym card only to be found in back of all my credit cards that were used much more than the gym membership card during the past month.  I met my friend, got caught up on her life and holiday season and committed to going back 3 times this week.  Ended up working out for an hour and walked 3.65 miles.  Then I came home and fixed a fabulous fish dinner with green beans and salad.  I celebrate that I also ate healthy today...gotta start somewhere!  I'm determined to win the battle of the bulge this year!

Love:  What did I love today?
I love that I'm starting Becky Higgins Project Life  to help me document all of my life's special moments.  I am hoping that it will keep me organized and inspired to capture all the experiences I face this year, both big and small.  It's a simple scrapbook that comes with all the materials, all you have to do is supply the pictures and memorabilia and journal what was happening.  I love that I've got this already organized so I don't have to think much about creating pages, etc and can just focus on ways I can remember the moment!

Thought for the day:
If you see someone without a smile, give him/her one of's the greatest gift you can give!